Tag Spheron Architects

Episode 10: Tszwai So - Spheron Architects 


Episode 10: Tszwai So - Spheron Architects 

Tszwai So is a London based architect whose work ranges from architecture, public arts, visual arts, installations, and writing to filmmaking. He is the co-founding Director of Sphe-ron Architects. He teaches at the University of Westminster. Tszwai So and the practice have been nominated for and won many awards. He was named a rising star in British Architecture by the RIBA Journal in 2016 and best UK young architect under 40 in 2017 by the American Institute of Architects. In his work, Tszwai is always aware of the power of emotions. Last year, the exhibition “Emotional Architecture” at Wolfson College, University of Cambridge gave an insight in emotions related to the world of architecture, too often neglected in our always more digi-talized world. A world where parameters and thus machines and AI, are becoming the driving factors, leaving human needs behind. Together with Tszwai we will explore why emotionalism is becoming an always more ur-gent topic in a moment in which reality and the virtual are already indistinguishable. Still, nobody seems much to care about that, although it will have enormous consequences on our lives.

Belarusian Memorial Chapel di Spheron Architects


Belarusian Memorial Chapel di Spheron Architects

La piccola cappella commissionata dalla la comunità bielorussa e realizzata a nord di Londra da Spheron Architects per commemorare le vittime del disastro nucleare di Chernobyl è il primo edificio di culto in legno della città, dopo il grande incendio di Londra nel 1666. Si tratta di un’architettura intima e accogliente che combina elementi tradizionali e contemporanei.


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